Information about the entheogen - Ceremony - Sacred Medicine.

Orientation about entheogens and participation in the ceremony.


Ayahuasca is a beverage composed of two plants from the Amazon (ayahuasca and chacruna) used by indigenous people of the Amazon for thousands of years to expand their consciousness and therefore understand the mysteries of life and existence. During the past years, its psychotherapeutic use has been expanding and consolidating throughout all of Europe as a result of the numerous testimonials and scientific researches that prove its great efficacy as a catalyzer of healing processes for addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, emotional blockages, stress, etc.

We have shared this concoction with thousands of people, with results that prove the enormous power that it has in the emotions, the body, the mind, and the soul of the participants.

Usually, Ayahuasca is taken for several nights, depending on the participant. We suggest at least a 2 or 3-day participation in the retreat, to progressively increase the dose, so it can be assimilated adequately by the organism without leading to the so-called “bad trips” or uncomfortable situations for the body.

We bring pure Ayahuasca from the jungle, the spiritual heart of the great natural pharmacy of the planet. It is cooked by expert connoisseurs of the plants and the masterful formulas used for thousands of years in indigenous communities. 

Bufo Alvarius

It is a natural entheogen medicine extracted from the glands of the toad Bufo Alvarius from the desert of Sonora (Mexico), considered to be the most potent entheogen that exists. The way to consume it is by inhaling through a crystal pipe the smoke produced by the combustion of the flakes obtained after the extraction. It is necessary to emphasize that during the recollection of the medicine the toad does not suffer any kind of damage. Only two of their six glands are milked and then the toad is returned to its natural habitat. These toads come out of the ground for only three months each year and they are the only species of toads that produce this substance.

Once we are done with the preparatory meeting, in which we explain the experience, give some important recommendations and open a space for questions participants smoke one by one, always accompanied by the whole group of participants and supported by the facilitators. The experience lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, but the one living the experience loses the sense of time, being able to experiment a vertiginous feeling of eternity, infinity, and unity with the whole existence; during the experience, it is possible to go through moments of great angst which are the prelude to the encounter with the divine. These moments previous to the ecstasy and the monumental feeling of total communion with oneself and life are related to the feeling of being thrown to the void at great speed and the total dissolution of the ego.

The research of this natural medicine was brought from the desert. We have been trying the effects and benefits that it provides to the process of evolution in people; it is thanks to the amazing results that it produces in the comprehension of life of the people that have tried it that we have decided to share it with our Ayahuasca workshop participants. We have been able to confirm through the experience of more than 300 people the power that the integration of these natural entheogen medicines has. Especially when it is performed inside an adequate therapeutic context and with the necessary precautions.

It is an intense and profound experience that can become a milestone in a human’s life since it offers the possibility to connect with a monumental feeling of peace that fuses the individual with the totality from which it originates. It is a magisterial opportunity to contact with the infinite and eternity, to be able to approach life from a different, more elevated, and profound place.


‘Kambó’, ‘campu’, ‘Sapo’, ‘vaccine of the Floresta.’ All these are names given to the secretion of a frog that lives in the northwest of the Amazon jungle (Peru, Colombia, and Brazil). The scientific name of this frog is “Phyllomedusa bicolor” or “giant monkey frog”.

Originally, 53 tribes used this secretion but now it is known that only 13 small tribes keep using it. It is used to become free from Panama (the name was given to negative things), as hunting magic, and as a powerful medicine against malaria, snake bites, yellow fever, and other epidemic diseases.

The scientific research on this frog’s secretion started in the 1980s. Nominated for the Nobel Prize, the Italian scientist Vittorio Erspamer from the University of Rome wrote that this secretion contains a “fantastic chemical cocktail, with possible medical applications, superior to every other amphibian.” To this day, researchers have found nine bioactive peptides that have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, the gastric and pancreatic secretions, the blood circulation, the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland.

The chemical reactions produced in the human body:

Strongly impacts the intestines, causing a profound purge
Lowers blood pressure
Increases sensory perception
Produces a strong analgesic effect, improves resistance, increases physical strength
Improves the ability to withstand pain and stressful situations
Helps digestion, and analgesic effects have been proven on those who have renal colic, pains caused by peripheral vascular insufficiency, and cancer pains
Other interesting medical characteristics of this secretion are its anti-inflammatory effects, the ability to destroy microbes and virus, and to heal infections
For people with addictions, the results may also happen quickly. Complicated cases may take more time.
Kambó is one of the strongest natural ways to potentiate our immune system. It is 4,000 times stronger than morphine and 40 times stronger than type B endogen endorphins. Kambó treatments have short and long-term effects.

Short term effects are a state of alert, improved humor, more resistance to tiredness, the ability to focus and concentrate with more ease, and mental calm that can last for several days or weeks. Long term, it empowers the immune system, overcomes fatigue, and improves health.

With Kambó, we have the chance to awaken the body to its full natural potential of protection, strengthening, and healing.

People who receive this “vaccine” frequently do not get sick and have plenty of energy. Re-establishing the natural balance, the emergence of ailments induced by the virus is avoided.

In the cases of severe diseases, addictions, or toxins accumulated by pharmaceutical medicine, it can be useful to receive twice the treatment for a time. In this way, the effects of cleansing with Kambó will increase one after the other and last longer.

What Kambó cannot do is eliminate the root of our emotional blockages that come from traumatic experiences. One can feel relief when vomiting yellow bile, but the root of the problem remains. To eliminate the root of rage and fear, other entheogen medicines are used.


This is a jungle tree that, when inhaled/blown through the nose, produces an expansion of consciousness and a surprising therapeutic-spiritual effect. The effect could be described as similar to a fusion of Ayahuasca and Bufo Alvarius; that is to say, it produces organic cleansing and spiritual connection. On the one hand, it is a hard confrontation with the ego, and on the other hand, it offers consciousness of unity. Expansion of consciousness is assured, but in the process, different things move and you arrive at a very particular space from where you can appreciate reality. Unlike Ayahuasca or Bufo Alvarius, which are introspective experiences, Yopo opens us to the comprehension of the other and allows us to establish deep dialogues with people who are in the same process (ideal for couples or friends) and at the same moment of the experience.


Rapé or rapéh is a ground combination of plants whose origin dates back millennia. In many blends the main plant is tobacco, but in others, such as the rapéhs prepared by the natives of Rio Branco in Acre (Brazil), this plant is often not used. Precisely from Acre, the place with the greatest tradition and variety in the world is where the rapéh we use in our workshops comes from and which we also offer in the shop.

Rapéh is not an entheogen, so it does not produce visions, but it does expand consciousness and open the heart when it is applied progressively such as in the context of our workshops. There are also self-projectors for self-application by blowing. Rapéh is not snorted because that does not create the same pathway in the brain, neither does it reach the pineal gland that way. Therefore, it is essential to have a self-projector for it to be taken alone.

If phlegm comes up, it is best to spit it out, and if the rapéh drips from your nose you should only wipe with a handkerchief gently, without blowing your nose, until ten minutes have passed and the ancestral tool has done its cleansing work.

The effect of rapéh is total relaxation and quietening of thought. It does not produce visions or expands consciousness, but it releases Silence inside you, drawing a smile of serenity on your face. It travels throughout the body with a tingling numbness, unraveling tensions that do not serve you but are sometimes automatic in the body due to living in a constant false state of alarm where we prepare to react to 'danger'.

The workshop includes the possibility of accessing one to three rapéhs, which can allow you to go into greater depth or connection, although this does not depend on the number of times it is done, but rather the attitude of the participant and their surrender to the process.

With rapéh, the body loosens all of its tensions and shifts into an optimal state to meditate, which is why this tool has become the entry point for many meditators into their inner world. On the other hand, at a physical level, it clears the entire respiratory system and is ideal in cases of sinusitis, rhinitis, congestion, etc. because, among other things, it purifies the nasal cavities of all the air pollution retained in accumulated particles. It is also indicated in cases of headaches where pain has been known to disappear instantly. Therefore, indications suggest applying it after a long day of mental work, to clear the mind.

It balances the masculine and feminine side, bringing the person to a state of internal harmony that connects them with their sweetest and lightest feeling, making it ideal for reflecting and even to be able to continue working after taking a break due to mental or emotional overload.

We have different types of mild, medium, and strong rapéh, that we apply at intervals of approximately 25 minutes in our workshops, to open the channels of perception one after another until reaching a state of total connection. The states that can be reached are perfect for focusing on everything you want to comprehend in your life and welcoming it from the serenity of an open heart, where you feel safe and cradled by love.

The workshop begins with a session of Conscious-emotional preparation where everyone shares where they are in their lives at this moment, to connect with their feelings. In this session, we will also give indications about the best attitude to have to receive rapéh during the experience. After that, the facilitator will apply the rapéhs one by one. The session is done as a group.

Rapéh can produce a purgative effect and vomiting may arise during the process due to the great physical detoxification. The plants contained in the rapéh penetrate the body, dissolving physical and mental contractures, gradually taking you to a state of fullness. The workshop closes with a Conscious integration session to relate everything that has been comprehended and experienced with daily life. We will share conscious focuses that you can apply in your day-to-day and thus access that place of inner peace and serenity for yourself.


The use of entheogen medicines propitiates the apparition of questions and answers, doubts, unresolved issues, hidden conflicts, and wounds of the past, but above all of this the vision of the infinite potentiality that we as human beings have and an acknowledgment of the pure and original values with which we are born. Every elevated and/or profound connection needs an interface for the adaptation to real life. The concept of Psychotherapeutic Integration was born from the need to reorganize the emergent topics from the Ayahuasca and Bufo Alvarius sessions; in which expanded states of consciousness are produced that have their consequent interior mobilization.
Everything that appears in this integration session is invaluable material, and when being organized can be used at a personal level. Magic manifests itself in light of the possibility to reach a profound comprehension of daily life issues.


To “integrate” meaning to share, chat, or gather opinions about the experience. Neither is it meant to be an anecdotal account of the experience, but it is aimed at associating the experience and everything felt during the Ayahuasca and/or Bufo Alvarius sessions with the situations of everyday life, so every participant can be able to see how he/her works in their own daily life and therefore consider the changes their needs to implement at this moment.

Diet is highly recommended.

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