Medicine Path ~ Meaning of the Ceremony ~ Warrior of the Heart
Warrior of the Heart
Sacred Circle
This discussion is designed to help you commit to the part of you that is not afraid; That part of you
that serves as a source of strength and gives you the confidence to approach your life in a direct and
meaningful way. This sacred ceremony starts you on the path of the Heart Warrior.
The Medicine Path community is a fluid group of thousands of human beings who have prayed
together with our Master, Master and the Chanupa Wakan, the Sacred Pipe also, those who have
participated in our Healing Medicine Ceremonies. Medicine Path is not a cult and has no interest in
gathering groups of people who are loyal to their altar or any precept offered during the Ceremonies.
Sacred Circle has no dogma, nor do we believe there is a single path to healing. A human being can
travel many paths to reach us and will travel many paths when they leave us. We honor all forms that
are good manners. A good way is a feeling, not an idea. The Medicine Ceremonies teach through real
physical, mental and emotional experiences of how the good way feels for each individual. Our
experience is that every person who attends our ceremonies will somehow get in touch with their
Good Way and take it with them when they go elsewhere.
Sacred Circle, is an altar of Red Road. We are interested in and attract people who want to be true
human beings. That means that they are committed to their human life on this planet and all regarding
the Human Being. It is not a path of enlightenment. It is a path for people who have real lives with all
the problems they entail. We honor our lives and the people in them by treating them as Sacred. One
thing, one place, a person becomes Sacred when we treat them as Sacred. The ceremonies we offer
allow people to feel how they feel. Sacred does not mean inaccessible. It does not mean mercy. It
means that we honor the Humanity of each person and meet them where they are. If we cannot keep
going until the next meeting we can honor our good path.
We expect an experience in which all who attend our ceremonies have a key that fits the Universe,
which allows them to establish their relationship with the Creator. This does not require intercession
or a priest or rabbi or minister. It is personal and available to anyone at any time who can ask for
help sincerely.
We teach that each person is responsible for their prayers, their life, and their choices. Learning not to
blame others for our defects and limitations and forgive ourselves and others for theirs is the
liberation of the body, mind, and spirit that leads to a full and happy life. We do not know of any
exception to this. It may take some people longer than others to find their way, but they do. It is a
prayer that manifests on the arc of the life of a human being.
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