La Dieta:

It is very important that we create the ideal environment in our bodies, minds, and spirits before participating in this unique and special type of healing work. Eat according to the diet described below for at least 5 days before and after the ceremony. This will make a BIG difference in the internal recalibration and the integration.


• Fruits vegetables
• Whole grains (rice, quinoa, oats)
• Whole grain bread
• Honey
• Coconut oil

AVOID (everything else!)

• Seafood
• Red meat
• Garlic onion
• Sugar
• Citrus (except lemon)
• Dairy products
• Soy products (soy sauce, tofu, etc.)
• Fermented food (miso, kombucha)
• Vinegar
• Smoked, aged or cured foods
• Frozen meals
• Processed foods
• Spicy food
• Fried food
• Any food that is slightly moldy or rotten
• Canned beans/lentils
• Nuts, dried fruit
• Alcohol
• Chocolate
• caffeine

PLEASE ABSTINATE THE USE OF MARIJUANA FOR 5- DAYS BEFORE THE CIRCLE OF THE CEREMONY. There are also restrictions on sexual activity – as it can muddy up your energy field and deplete your vitality /power.

The Diet also applies to what we socially and energetically take into our bodies. Please take a break from social media and stressful situations prior to the circle. If possible, spend time in nature before/after your experience to prepare/integrate. 

Practicing and living these ceremonies on a regular basis enhances and assists us to live with honor and respect for all our relations. This leads to a responsible and peaceful existence. These and other ceremonies remain with us today, due to the courage and tenaciousness of our indigenous ancestors.

We will have an integration circle after the ceremony to share our experiences while still in each other's company. This is a powerful and important part of the experience so, please plan to stay for it. If you are going to do the ceremony in the morning, please do fasting on that day (meaning empty stomach).

Thank you with all my heart! It truly is an honor to serve you in this way.


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