Toad Medicine - Sacred Ancestral Ceremony (Bufo Alvarius 5-MeO-DMT)

Sacred Ancestral ceremony (Bufo Alvarius 5-MeO-DMT)

Important: Read this carefully before attending a ceremony.

Bufo toad medicine is an ancestral medicine extracted from the Sonora Desert Toad (Bufo Alvarius). It is also known as 5-MeO-DMT or the God molecule. It might be one of the most remarkable substances ever discovered. The experience with Bufo Alvarius is intense and produces a rapid dissolution of the ego (reality perception) which might be traumatic in some cases. Although the medicine produces profound healing effects, this medicine is not a cure-all, and the hard work starts after the ceremony. In the following days, weeks or months you might experience a variety of psychological phenomena, which might not always be pleasant. This includes but is not limited to:
Flashbacks or reactivations
The intense release of emotions can be both positive (happiness, joy) and negative (depression, anxiety). This medicine brings forth a new awareness of your patterns of behavior and the need to change various parts of life-related to unhealthy thinking patterns.


To make this process as smooth and beneficial for you as possible, it is strongly suggested to have resources available. One technique which showed to be extremely helpful with the integration of the experience is counseling. It is wise, therefore, to have a person or guide that can help you with your integration process once the ceremony is over. This can be, for example, a medicine man that is open to talking about the Sacraments. Even better would be someone that is experienced in working with altered states of consciousness, either produced by entheogenic plants or holotropic breathwork.
Community support is another resource to look at to help with the integration. If you do not have a supportive community around you, you can research available integration circles in your community. You can also invite your fellow tribe members to participate in the ceremony so that you can talk about and process the experience together afterward. There are also Facebook groups available on the internet for this purpose: Medicina Ancestral Sagrada

Do not expect that all the work will be done during the experience with the toad itself. As stated before, the medicine is only the beginning. The real work is done once the medicine ceremony is over and you go back home.

All participants should be aware of and agree to the following conditions:
During the ceremony, I, Quetzal may use herbal tinctures and water on you, the participant. This is typically done by pouring water on a participant’s face, and at times into a participants mouth during the ceremony. This stimulates the body’s natural breathing and swallowing response. I may also ask you to lie down or stand up, or in some cases, move your body to help you lie down. This usually happens during the peak of the ceremony. Once the peak of the experience has passed, I will administer the Sacred Rapé medicine to ground you and assist the body to purge any low energies that come up during the ceremony. Rapé medicine is a tobacco snuff that is administered to the participant's nose by blowing through a Tepi applicator.

All of the above actions have been carefully tested. Time and time again, they have proven their unique value as part of the neo shamanistic rituals that I, Quetzal developed while training and working with the toad medicine. These have significantly increased the results and improved the well-being of participants during and after the ceremonies.

Every experience is chiefly a function of set and setting, preparation and environment. The better prepared you are, the better the experience will be for you. Please follow the protocols to ensure a beneficial and healing journey.

Approximate timeline:
Onset: 0-30 seconds
Peak: between 1-15 minutes
Duration: approximately 30 minutes


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