Santitos Ceremony~Mushroom~ Psilocybin

Sacred Mushrooms Ceremony

It refers to an ancestral tradition involving a healer or spiritual guide and participants.

The healer or guide is responsible for dosing the amount of fungi to be ingested by the candidate in question and take it to different emotional states to find the answers that the participant has been seeking, through chants, prayers, and mantric sounds.

The ceremony: During the day or night with white flowers, herbs for a cleansing, chicken eggs, copal, cacao, San Pedro powder, Blessed Water, candle or candles and the Santitos/mushrooms are occupied. Pretending to obtain in this way a state of harmony with the body and soul, beginning with the path of wisdom.

It allows to develop and consolidate values such as humility, dignity, integrity, patience, respect, honesty and love to the full extent of the word.

The primary objective of this ceremony in the Mesoamerica culture is to try to achieve the healing of the soul and the spirit, trying to reach a balance between the tangible and the intangible.

Effects during the ceremony 

The spirit of Psilocybin Mushrooms. Notable changes in the auditory, visual and tactile senses may become apparent about 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion of the fungi. Although there may be some initial anxiety, users generally report high euphoric sensations, along with significant mental and emotional clarity. As medicine strengthens, vivid visual and auditory visions are produced. Regarding physical effects, it may be occurrences of a headache, nausea, restless stomach, dilation of the pupil may be experiencing an increase in heart rate, if this is your case, remind your self to decrease the heart rate through your bridging process also, has been reported to be stunned. The trip as a whole tends to last from 2 to 7 hours, recommendations to relax the muscles by surrendering to the process and to focus on your prayer/intention for what you are asking the medicine, reminding yourself know that the effect is momentary.


 A sexual abstention diet is carried out, mainly four days before and four days after the ceremony; as well as not consume red meat or alcoholic beverages. For diet, please follow the link:

Historical Context Gives Rise to a Future with Mushrooms Healing.

As indigenous shamans have done since centuries, modern science is beginning to recognize that a mystical Shamanic experience can make a huge difference in people’s lives with benefits that help an almost unbelievable array of mental conditions. Cultures like the indigenous who used psilocybin Mushrooms ceremonially understood that the symptoms of trauma and mental disease (which we have a million different names for in modern medicine) are all fundamentally related to an individual’s relationship with their deepest self and understanding of the universe. When we treat the roots of a person’s connection to their soul and how it intersects with the outside world, a myriad of benefits issue forth. Psilocybin is not just a hot new emerging treatment for modern stress and mental disorders, but an ancient ally from the plant and fungi world that has coexisted with and benefitted humans from the dawn of civilization. As we celebrate the modern renaissance of healing research around psilocybin, we should be sure to remember that this is not so much about discoveries, but rediscoveries of one of our most ancient spiritual and psychological coevolutionary assets.

Why is Mushrooms Ceremony related to Ego Death?

Psilocybin Ceremony and Ego Death

It is not unusual for people to feel like they are going to die when they are in Mushrooms experience. No one has ever died from Mushrooms itself. The shaman uses nothing but the right dosage of medicine, "So, trust the process and let it happen. This way you can get the most out of your experience."

When you feel like you might be dying, it’s the ego death you are experiencing. It doesn’t happen to everyone, as some are able to get their egos out of the way of the experience, but if you are experiencing this, there is a part of you that is trying to hold on and afraid to go to the places where you are egoless, eternal, and where the divine lives in you.

Take a deep breath, and just let go. You are fine! Where you are going the mind cannot follow, so you must let go of feeling like you need to be in control. Let the medicine take you for the ride of your life and show you the wonders of the universe within you! The price for entry into your multidimensional nature is that you have to surrender and let go.

First, we all settle in, and instructions are given on how to move about the circle and how to handle things in the ceremony. Then the shaman starts with the opening prayer, affirming protection for the ceremony, calling in the right spirit energy for this endeavor, praying for everyone’s purpose in the ceremony. Everyone is to focus on their purpose and intention during this prayer.

Next, the medicine is given to everyone. The shaman may be given out some honey out of to help with the taste, or some other type of sweet taste to improve with the flavor. This is so nice, as the taste can be a little challenging for some. For others, the taste isn’t bad, and they like it, so they don’t want honey. However, it is there for you if you want it! See what you think when it’s your turn. To some people, Mushrooms tastes good.

The shamans begin to sing and bring in the energy of the medicine. They beautifully carry the energy with chanting (medicine songs) that sound like they are from the stars. Beautiful tranquility sets in as the mushrooms ceremony continue. For some people, the medicine comes as quickly as 30 minutes, and others it can take an hour.

There is a point where a few people may throw up (purge). It doesn’t happen for everyone. It is not necessary to purge, and purging can occur in many ways, not just vomiting. Sometimes purging is through tears, the release of obsessive thoughts, yawning, breathing; there are many ways the body can purge “old” energy.

Everyone is given a bucket (some call it the “freedom” bucket) and, if you do the purge, our helpers are right there to take the bucket and give you a new one, so there are no accidents. Anyone who has to go to the bathroom is helped by the helpers who are there to serve you. Don’t wait to go to the toilet if you think you have to go!

After the first round or mushrooms has been in effect for a while, a second serving is offered to anyone who wants to take more. Not everyone wants a second round, as most are still traveling on the first dosage. It’s strong medicine! However, the shaman is very generous with the medicine, and you can have more if you wish. Some people’s bodies need more medicine than others. That is why it is offered more. You can ask for more throughout the Ceremony.

After things have settled down and everyone’s journey is coming to a close, the shaman begins the closing prayer for the water. Everyone is ready for a glass of water by this time! The teachings around the water become quite evident at this point. Those of us who have clean water to drink and bathe in should appreciate the water, as it is the most necessary ingredient for our life force (as well as the air of course!) This is a prayer of gratitude for water, food and our lives.

When the Ceremony is over, we all eat a hearty buffet of good food that settles everything down, and we drink plenty of water. We all enjoy some music and laughter. Everyone is light-hearted, excited by their journey, and feeling relieved that their first journey went well. Everyone realizes there was nothing to worry about!


To make this process as smooth and beneficial for you as possible, it is strongly suggested to have resources available. One technique which showed to be extremely helpful with the integration of the experience is counseling. It is wise, therefore, to have a person or guide that can help you with your integration process once the ceremony is over. This can be, for example, a medicine man that is open to talking about the Sacraments. Even better would be someone that is experienced in working with altered states of consciousness, either produced by entheogenic plants or holotropic breathwork.
Community support is another resource to look at to help with the integration. If you do not have a supportive community around you, you can research open integration circles in your community. You can also invite your fellow tribe members to participate in the ceremony so that you can talk about and process the experience together afterward. There are also Facebook groups available on the internet for this purpose: Medicina Ancestral Sagrada


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