Experience and Where the Sapito Comes From

"The Toad DMT."

Experience and Where the Sapito Comes From

So far in these moments, today, I do not feel the need to explain from the beginning to the end, because I could not show you where did start and where it ends. I am assimilating and digesting everything that happened yesterday in 15 minutes little by little, but in such deep and unlimited minutes, trusting in the great spirit that moves us. Something incredibly dreamlike, a connection to everything, as I do not know until now, and I already have important experiences in the back, this has even gone beyond my experience with ayahuasca, by intensity and immediacy.

This is what I can tell you, in a few minutes, the light goes out, and everything disappears, then wakes up. In that space of time, you remain in your subconscious, that's where everything happens.

As I reconsidered what happened and extracted the essence, I use this publication to put it in context about the experience of Sapito Bufo Alvarius and 5-meO-DMT.

Sapito Bufo Alvarius - Description

How he described and explained to me: breathing 5-MeO-DMT, a neurotransmitter molecule from the glands of Bufo Alvarius, a toad that lives in the Sonora desert (Mexico), is one of the most profound experiences that a human being can reach this planet at any level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The process and the explanation

The glands of Bufo Alvarius Toad produces a latex called Bufotenine. It should be noted that the toad does not know any damage. That latex is extracted from your glands and dried. "Medicine" is inhaled in a sacred ceremony. Once inside, the body transforms the "o-methyl-bufotenin" into 5meO-DMT. Make it easily absorbable and able to cross the blood barrier of the brain, reaching the brain instantly.

This unique molecule is activated in specific states such as birth, death, and sleep. It breaks the chemical filters that the human mind uses to prevent a continuous state of perception, awakening and complete consciousness. These filters are necessary for our day to day, which helps us to function in this three-dimensional reality, limited by space and time.

As soon as we open those filters, it seems that in the end, we can put our ego aside and then enter into a state of deep meditation, that means we access the superconscious part of our mind, our true nature.I am not the one who makes the affirmations, the only thing I can do is to question it until one day I could enter naturally.


There are many sources where you can spread the information about Bufo Alvarius Toad, 5meO-DMT, the ritual and all that entails. One is through "Quetzal" Luis Romero. You can extend the information also through this Link.

Next steps

Between tomorrow and the past, I will delve into the reason for this phenomenon and its most immediate results. I will record a video and then share the learning with more perspective.

Now I feel air, light, because without 30 kilograms less weight, every millimeter of my body is aligned, like my mind and my spirit. Emotionally, it is an explosion of feelings that I still do not know how to order or explain.

Medicine Path Understanding




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