San Pedro Medicine

San Pedro Cactus

Huachuma Medicine

San Pedro is a cactus native to the Andes Mountains of Peru and Ecuador. In traditional Andean medicine. In South America, it is also known as Huachuma or Trichocereus Pachanoi. The earliest archaeological evidence discovered is a stone carving of a Huachumero found at the Jaguar Temple in northern Peru. Textiles from the same region and period of history depict the cactus with jaguars and hummingbirds, two of its guardian spirits, and with spiral symbols, representing its ability to produce a visionary experience.

Huachuma ceremonies where the plant is consumed as a tea are still held today in parts of the world. These ceremonies may cure the illness of emotional, mental, or physical nature. They may illuminate the future through prophetic and divinatory qualities of the plant, assist one to overcome fears, to ensure success in one's ventures, to rekindle love and enthusiasm for life and to experience the world as divine. The San Pedro cactus brings in the masculine energy of the Heavens (from above), contrasting it to Ayahuasca which brings in the feminine energy of Mother Earth (from below). 

One Andean shaman describes some of the effects of the plant: "First, a dreamy state… then great visions, a clearing of all the faculties… and the detachment, a type of visual force inclusive of the sixth sense, the telepathic state of transmitting oneself across time and matter, like a removal of thoughts to a distant dimension".

San Pedro is a teacher of great compassion and understanding. It shows us how to live in balance and harmony; how to love, respect, and honor all living beings. It shows us we are children of light, by being able to perceive this light within us. Each person's experience will be unique, as we are all individual beings. Drinking San Pedro is a personal journey of discovery, of the self and the universe.

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