
Showing posts from May, 2018

Santitos Ceremony~Mushroom~ Psilocybin

Sacred Mushrooms Ceremony It refers to an ancestral tradition involving a healer or spiritual guide and participants. The healer or guide is responsible for dosing the amount of fungi to be ingested by the candidate in question and take it to different emotional states to find the answers that the participant has been seeking, through chants, prayers, and mantric sounds. The ceremony: During the day or night with white flowers, herbs for a cleansing, chicken eggs, copal, cacao, San Pedro powder, Blessed Water, candle or candles and the Santitos/mushrooms are occupied. Pretending to obtain in this way a state of harmony with the body and soul, beginning with the path of wisdom. It allows to develop and consolidate values such as humility, dignity, integrity, patience, respect, honesty and love to the full extent of the word. The primary objective of this ceremony in the Mesoamerica culture is to try to achieve the healing of the soul and the spirit, trying to reach a bal...

El Camino ~ Significado de la ceremony ~ Guerrero Del Corazon

Guerrero Del Corazon   Círculo Sagrado Esta discusión está diseñada para ayudarlo a involucrarse con la parte de usted que no tiene miedo; esa parte de tienes que te sirve de fuente de fortaleza y te da la confianza para acercarte a tu vida de una manera directa y significativa. Esta ceremonia Sagrada te inicia en el camino del Guerrero del Corazón. La comunidad de Medicina también conocida como El Camino es un grupo fluido de miles de seres humanos que han rezado junto con nuestro Maestro, Maestros y Chanupa Wakan, la pipa sagrada, también aquellos que han participado en nuestras Ceremonias de Medicina Sanadora. El camino de medicina no es un culto y no tiene interés en reunir a grupos de personas que sean leales a su altar o en los preceptos que se ofrecen durante las Ceremonias. El Círculo Sagrado no tiene dogma, ni creemos que haya un solo camino hacia la sanación. Un ser humano puede viajar por muchos caminos para venir a nosotros y viajará muchos caminos cuando...

Que es la Medicina de Sananga?

Sananga Para las tribus amazónicas tradicionales, sananga es una poderosa medicina para los ojos que se utiliza para mejorar la visión nocturna. Sin embargo, para los buscadores modernos de curación ficica mental y emocional, sananga hace más que ayudar con la caza. A menudo utilizados como un precursor de las ceremonias de ayahuasca por las tribus Kaxinawa y Matsés de Brasil, estas poderosas gotas para los ojos tienen un poder curativo que es más enérgico que físico, y que tiene la capacidad de aumentar el discernimiento espiritual en las mentes de quienes lo usan. Sananga es un medicamento potente, y aunque puede administrarse sananga sin someterse a una ceremonia guiada, es importante encontrar una fuente respetable y educarse sobre el uso correcto de antemano. Beneficios de Sananga Sananga todavía es utilizado por muchas tribus en el corazón del Amazonas, pero sus beneficios están llegando al resto del mundo, ya que estas tribus abren ceremonias a extraños y capacitan a ...

San Pedro Medicine

San Pedro Cactus Huachuma Medicine San Pedro is a cactus native to the Andes Mountains of Peru and Ecuador. In traditional Andean medicine. In South America, it is also known as Huachuma or Trichocereus Pachanoi. The earliest archaeological evidence discovered is a stone carving of a Huachumero found at the Jaguar Temple in northern Peru. Textiles from the same region and period of history depict the cactus with jaguars and hummingbirds, two of its guardian spirits, and with spiral symbols, representing its ability to produce a visionary experience. Huachuma ceremonies where the plant is consumed as a tea are still held today in parts of the world. These ceremonies may cure the illness of emotional, mental, or physical nature. They may illuminate the future through prophetic and divinatory qualities of the plant, assist one to overcome fears, to ensure success in one's ventures, to rekindle love and enthusiasm for life and to experience the world as divine. T...

Mambe Medicine ~ Coca Leaf

Mambe Medicine Coca leaf (Erythroxylum coca) and Mambe, (toasted and pulverized coca leaf mixed with the ash of Yarumo leaves), have been used ceremonially in the Andean and Amazonian regions of South America for thousands of years.  The earliest record of the ceremonial use of the plant can be traced to Huanca Prieto in northern Peru. Since then the plant has maintained importance in indigenous communities’ offerings to Pachamama, Inti, guardian spirits of the surrounding forests, trees, and mountains (Apus). In these communities, the plant is also used as a tool for promoting productive conversations amongst community members, and for making decisions that affect the well-being of others.  When taken along with Ambil, or a tobacco paste, Mambe opens our throat chakra, sweetens our words and lends transparency and directness to our speech.  This tradition of conversing with Mambe after sundown for many hours as a community is to Mambear and Ambilear....

Medicine Path ~ Meaning of the Ceremony ~ Warrior of the Heart

  Warrior of the Heart Sacred Circle   This discussion is designed to help you commit to the part of you that is not afraid; That part of you  that serves as a source of strength and gives you the confidence to approach your life in a direct and meaningful way. This sacred ceremony starts you on the path of the Heart Warrior. The Medicine Path community is a fluid group of thousands of human beings who have prayed together with our Master, Master and the Chanupa Wakan, the Sacred Pipe also, those who have participated in our Healing Medicine Ceremonies. Medicine Path is not a cult and has no interest in gathering groups of people who are loyal to their altar or any precept offered during the Ceremonies. Sacred Circle has no dogma, nor do we believe there is a single path to healing. A human being can travel many paths to reach us and will travel many paths when they leave us. We honor all forms that are good manners. A good way is a feel...


¡LA DIETA ES IMPORTANTE! La Dieta: Es muy importante para que creemos el entorno ideal en nuestros cuerpos, mentes y espíritus antes de participar en este tipo único y especial de trabajo de curación. Coma de acuerdo con la dieta descrita a continuación durante al menos 5 días antes y después de la ceremonia. Esto hará una GRAN diferencia en la recalibración interna y la integración.  ALIMENTACIÓN AMISTOSA: • Frutas vegetales • Granos enteros (arroz, quinoa, avena) • Pan de grano entero • Miel • Aceite de coco EVITAR (¡todo lo demás!) • Mariscos • Carne roja • Ajo cebolla • Azúcar • Cítricos (excepto limón) • Productos lácteos • Productos de soya (salsa de soya, tofu, etc.) • Comida fermentada (miso, kombucha) • Vinagre • Alimentos ahumados, añejados o curados • Comida congelada • Alimentos procesados • La comida picante • Comida frita • Cualquier alimento ligeramente mohoso o podrido • Frijol / lentejas • Nueces, fruta seca • Alcohol • Chocol...


DIET IS COMPULSORY! La Dieta: It is very important that we create the ideal environment in our bodies, minds, and spirits before participating in this unique and special type of healing work. Eat according to the diet described below for at least 5 days before and after the ceremony. This will make a BIG difference in the internal recalibration and the integration.   FRIENDLY FEEDING: • Fruits vegetables • Whole grains (rice, quinoa, oats) • Whole grain bread • Honey • Coconut oil AVOID (everything else!) • Seafood • Red meat • Garlic onion • Sugar • Citrus (except lemon) • Dairy products • Soy products (soy sauce, tofu, etc.) • Fermented food (miso, kombucha) • Vinegar • Smoked, aged or cured foods • Frozen meals • Processed foods • Spicy food • Fried food • Any food that is slightly moldy or rotten • Canned beans/lentils • Nuts, dried fruit • Alcohol • Chocolate • caffeine PLEASE ABSTINATE THE USE OF M...