Rapé Medicine

What is Rapé?

Rapé is a sacred tool medicine of origin, a spirit of stellar medicine. Our grandparents of the jungle raised and walked the relationship with this tool-medicine at the beginning of time, and today it comes to our hands bringing us original memory and renewed medicines for this present.
This form of medicine is prepared by successive grindings and sieving of tobacco, medicinal plants, barks and ashes of the sacred fire in subtle alchemy. The medicines are worked until reaching a very fine powder in which the crystals of the plants can be perceived.

Rapé can be prepared with one or several plant medicines and also minerals, considering that the presence of the tobacco grandfather helps to order, integrate and balance the other medicines, to address them with a specific purpose. At the same time, the tabaquito is a door connecting the spirit and the universe, helping us to awaken the essential purity of one and the same, and of each medicine.

The snuff is blown with a rod in each nostril, balancing the two hemispheres of the brain, our feminine and masculine side, yin and yang, and then in the heart, the center. To receive medicine, we must be receptive, quiet and holding our breath. Closing the glottis prevents Rapé from going down to the throat and bronchi. The western practice of aspiring monkfish is a distortion of the original design of this medicine. When being sucked, the monkfish does not reach the cavities or frontal sinuses and does penetrate into the lower respiratory tract causing irritation. In this way, it does not fulfill its essential purpose of clearing the mind and the upper channels. The disconnection of its medicinal and sacred purpose, giving it a social and superficial use in inappropriate contexts, leads to using the force of plants to remove the disease or low energy.

Rapé helps us heal individualism, and reminds us that we need the other, that certain medicines are taken by oneself, and others are received from the hands of a brother or sister. Who blows the rapé needs to be centered and empty, hollow as a cane, run from the middle, do not put anything of oneself and simply be a channel, a brother having a gesture, knowing that the work is done by the grandfathers. In this way who receives the blow can be delivered to medicine, put in their hands as grandfathers are put in ours.

The dose and the frequency depend on the real and conscious need of spirit, like all medicine, in the relation of each one with her and each moment of the evolution. It is known that excesses and extremes are not usually good medicine, that it is not only the quantity but also the quality that makes the difference, and especially the quality of attention and heart that we dedicate to the moment. Rapé is a subtle spirit, and it teaches us to be subtle as well.

Rapé is air medicine. In a blow we receive the blessing of the grandfather Wind, universal source of energy, cleaning our perception, clearing the mind and opening the upper energetic channels, to connect with the highest of our being.

The tobacco and the medicines help to detach low entities, energy parasites and contaminations and interferences in the internal dialogue. Upon receiving a puff of rapé, the medicine goes up cleaning, ordering and aligning our energy field, especially the centers or chakras of the third eye and crown, and from there up and down the spine, the Tree of Life.

It is also medicine for the body, helping to expel mucus and parasites from the frontal and paranasal sinuses. Eliminates headaches, dullness and stunning, since it decompresses the pressure of the skull. It is also an excellent wound and antibiotic applied to wounds, especially those containing sage and lavender. A round of rapé in a circle of medicine helps to synchronize and align the attention and perception of the participants in moments of opening or transition in the ritual. It is also medicine for the vision of spirit, helping us to cleanse the mind and stop the internal dialogue, to be truly present to be able to see beyond our interpretations.


Warrior of the Heart


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