Las 12 Leyes del karma

The 12 laws of karma to improve your life Karma is a very important concept in Eastern philosophies and religions, such as Buddhism or Hinduism. In these beliefs, there is no omnipotent God (so they are not theists), but the laws come from nature, and each person may or may not adhere to the advice of philosophy. This is why karma is so important. Because it has to do with individual actions, it is part of the world and nature. Karma is the energy that arises from each of our actions. Every time we carry out actions in the world, we generate energy. That energy will inevitably come back to us. How the energy of the sea depends on what we receive from the world. To better understand this concept, 12 laws explain what Karma is and how it works. They serve as a guide to know how to act in this life. 1. Cause and effect: you will reap what you sow This is the basic law of Karma, and everything else comes from it. In short, it can be said that it means: what you do...