Las 12 Leyes del karma

The 12 laws of karma to improve your life
Karma is a very important concept in Eastern philosophies and religions, such as Buddhism or Hinduism.

In these beliefs, there is no omnipotent God (so they are not theists), but the laws come from nature, and each person may or may not adhere to the advice of philosophy.

This is why karma is so important. Because it has to do with individual actions, it is part of the world and nature. Karma is the energy that arises from each of our actions.

Every time we carry out actions in the world, we generate energy. That energy will inevitably come back to us. How the energy of the sea depends on what we receive from the world.

To better understand this concept, 12 laws explain what Karma is and how it works. They serve as a guide to know how to act in this life.

1. Cause and effect: you will reap what you sow
This is the basic law of Karma, and everything else comes from it. In short, it can be said that it means: what you do is what you receive.

Everything returns and all our actions have consequences.

2. Creation: belief in what you focus on.

The mission of the human being is to participate in the world. That is, take all the good that comes along and create your own life with it.

Nothing comes alone, there are no things that "fall from the sky". We are the creators of our reality.

3. Law of humility: accept what is, let go of what happened, and guide what will be.

If you can't accept, things will keep happening. If you see enemies and negative elements in things and people, then you are not on a higher level of existence.

Complying with this law means accepting.

4. Growth: you must change to grow.

It doesn't matter how much we move if we change jobs, couples. The only change that makes us grow is the interior.

This law tells us that to grow in spirit, we must take control of our own lives. If we can change our interior, our environment will also change.

5. Law of responsibility: your life is the result of your actions.

What surrounds us reflects ourselves. Therefore, if things around us are wrong, it is because there is something wrong with us.

You must take responsibility for what is present in your life.

6. Connection: everything is connected and has a common purpose.

In the universe, everything connects. Even our smallest actions have something to do with the world.

This is the famous concept of the fluttering of a butterfly, as a tsunami can trigger. Therefore, our small steps can generate big changes.

7. Focus: You cannot focus on good and evil at the same time.

You cannot pay attention to two things at the same time. If you focus on one, you will bypass the other.

Therefore, you must focus all your attention on the good and what can take you where you want. Everything else is a distraction. Like a compass, you should always point north in your life.

8. Give: the way you treat others reveals your intentions

Acting with generosity and kindness towards others is essential for our life to be good. It is about living in a state of respect and compassion for others.

But it is useless to say that one lives in that state. The Universe will permanently ask you to try it, and that demonstration will be in your dealings with other human beings.

9. Here and now: all you have is this moment

Everything that anchors us to the past must be reviewed. The only thing that is real is the moment we live in.

In the here and now our future is also defined. Therefore, the only way to control our life is to have total control of our present, leaving all the old behind.

10. Change: life gives you the same lessons until you learn from them.

Misfortune will tend to repeat itself over and over again until you have the courage and face
the means to change.

The lessons are not there just because: they have the mission to teach. Only by facing difficult things and changing our reality can we get out of them.

11. Patience and reward - Good things come from hard work, faith, and determination.

Greater rewards require greater effort. Nothing good enters our life without hard work and persistence.

You just have to be patient and build what we want, and good things will happen when they do.

12. Importance and inspiration: you will receive from life what you put into it

The value of things is the direct result of the energy that we have put into them. If you give your whole heart to everything you do, even if it is wrong, you will create value in the world.

The more energy and value we give to each of our daily actions, the greater the merit of our triumphs.

It doesn't matter if you take it as a belief or just a group of ideas. Try to apply some of these laws and you will surely notice an evolution in your life.


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