What is Biodecoding?

"Our generation is the one that will unite the study of psychology and biology to accelerate our collective healing" 

 ~Luis Romero.~

The art of decoding the language of the cells to quickly identify and efficiently resolve the emotional cause of illness.

Biodecoding is a pioneering technique to decode any kind of symptom (physical, emotional, and mental) and resolve their underlying bio-emotional and ancestral cause at the cellular level through a signature methodology. It is a complementary approach to any conventional and alternative treatments and has the amazing potential to unlock and speed up healing for permanent results.

Biodescodificación El eslabón perdido en la curación

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué algunas personas se curan rápidamente y otras no, a pesar de todos los tratamientos y terapias a las que se someten? ¿Por qué algunas personas tienen recaídas y otras no?

Biodecoding is the missing link in healing the body and the mind. Here's why: it’s founded on this critical knowledge:  physical symptoms, behavioral issues, and emotional imbalances are all adaptive survival solutions. Because our bodies are SMART, the disease is not something gone awry; it is not the body malfunctioning; it is a survival adaptation that responds to biological laws. Therefore the key to understanding our body and its diseases rests not just on psychological, symbolic, or intellectual approaches, but on a Bio-logical one.

When we learn to decode symptoms and understand our body's messages, we not only free ourselves from fear of illness, but we also have the tools to effect healing at the cellular level.

This paradigm explains the fundamental role that trapped emotions and embedded unconscious beliefs play in creating the energy blockage that creates disease. Once this trapped energy is released and the beliefs are updated, the disease is of no further use and disappears.

But we would be remiss if we did not warn you that biodecoding is much more than the missing link in healing: it is a path of profound transformation. For once, our outdated programming is updated, for example. emotions released and perceptions changed, it is impossible to remain the same person.

All symptoms respond to an emotional conflict that is not managed, is not expressed, or is ignored.

Doctors, our parents, and society, in general, have taught us that every time we "are sick" we must find the cause or what is worse, we must not find it, we must "adjust" to what others tell us was the cause. cause.

And then we go through life believing, thinking and repeating, dialogues that become mantras, these end up installed in our memory, such as I have diabetes because I inherited it; I have the flu because I got cold; I have a cough because they hit me at the office; I have lung cancer because I smoke: I have back problems from carrying heavy things; I have calluses because my shoes hurt. We can keep mentioning everything that comes to mind to keep walking in "sickness and suffering."

Our ingrained custom is to go to the doctor who, with the knowledge of him, tells us the cause of our illness.

Others of us are used to not thinking what is worse, not feeling and that more than the hidden emotion that we have to look for is explained to us, we do not even try out of skepticism or even disbelief.

We are not able to give ourselves 5 minutes, every time we have a symptom, to find that emotion that we did not know how to handle or express.

In Biodecoding, we can guide the person on the conflict that they must seek. All the information in this regard, or the vast majority of them, express resentment, the emotional reason that causes this or that annoyance. Really, don't wait for “someone” to tell you what to do to heal, because that will never happen.

Not even in a Biodecoding session, the specialist will tell you what to do.

Biodecoding works as follows:

"If I need to" get excited "to get sick, I need an emotion to heal."

Well, then, if I needed to have a lawsuit or discussion in the territory with a close person to get the flu, why, every time I get the flu, do I start to think about what day I got cold, what day did I not get cold? I put the sweater on, what day did I have something with ice, or what day did I get infected at the office ...?

In Biodecoding, there is only one valid question:

"What happened in my life, emotionally speaking, the day or days before I got sick?"

That is the only valid question.

Let's leave the beliefs, the ways we used to question our symptoms, totally obsolete and incorrect, and start asking ourselves the right question.

Because only by discovering that precise conflict, getting excited when discovering it, clicking when discovering it, can we heal. Some symptoms have been showing for years in our lives, we have even gotten used to suffering from them, yet they bother us so much, we are unable to "sit down and think."

"What happened in my life, emotionally speaking, the day or days before I got sick?"

Be careful, there are symptoms, which, by their nature, take longer than others to show themselves. So for those cases, modify the question by:

“What happened in my life, emotionally speaking, 3 months before the disease was detected? Or "What happened in my life, emotionally speaking, 6 months before the disease was detected?"

Biodecoding trilogy

Psyche: The totality of all adaptation programs to the external world (Matrix).

Brain: Interface between the external world and the internal world, between the abstract and the concrete (thought).

Bodies: Totality of all the results of these operations (Resentment)

It is a new biological vision. The distinction between psych, brain, and organ is conceptual. In reality, everything is one and one is not conceivable without the other.

To the Mind.

The history of embryological and phylogenetic evolution seems to be the key to the prodigious order that governs medicine and biology, both in the spheres of animal and human behavior. Considered hostile, the disease appears as a sign of a temporary alteration of our organism, as a constant and synchronized modification on three levels (psyche, brain, and organ), the three aspects of a single reality. The three always go hand in hand; they all evolve at the same speed

Our vision is to empower people to move from fear of illness to appreciation of their body's intelligence and confidence in its ability to overcome illness and powerfully transform.


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