Imox - Crocodile
Imox - Crocodile
Crocodile - Primal earth mother describes the basic nature of Crocodile. They are dedicated to whatever they feel to be home and family. Their instincts are often stronger than their intellect. They are great providers and keepers of the nest, but they can be possessive, jealous and quick to anger in close relationships. They are in touch with the basic forces of nature. This sign is ruled by the East.
The first Day Sign in Mayan astrology, Crocodile, symbolizes beginnings. As a Crocodile, your personality is clever, creative, assertive, and you are full of energy. You can also be aggressive, dominating, and sometimes selfish. You are one of the first people to initiate new projects, make changes, or take a stand. You can best use your skills through cooperative, altruistic efforts like charity work, family bonding, and team building. You have also had outstanding protective instincts, making you an ideal caretaker.
Meaning: Water, sea, agitation, argument, production, brain.
- Significance: Integrity
- Direction: East
- Gem: Red Jasper
- Color: Red
- Friend: Wind
- Opposite: B’ATZ’-Chuen
The person born on a day Imox was conceived on a day Aj and his/her destiny will be ruled by a day Toj. It will be necessary for the person bearing the energy of the Imox to consult an Ajq'ij, spiritual guide, who knows how to look for the balance, to overcome the negative energies and become a being with an open and sincere mind and personality. His/her day will not attract him/her difficulties, but it will be a day full of hope. The person bearing the energy of Imox can become an Ajq'ij
They are considered strange, eccentric, as well as crazy and wild. They dare to do unusual things that others don't dare to do. They feel that nobody understands them.
Imox gives a special ability for the development of the intuition and the revelation of messages through dreams. They can receive cosmic messages.
They are creative, artists, hard-working persons, great thinkers, and philosophers with a special ability for handcrafts.
They are unsecured, indecisive, and they generally lack confidence in themselves and others. They can be dumb and lost if they don't find guidance.
Their health is determined by the change, agitation and alteration of their temper and behavior which are lacking control sometimes and unstable. They are full of uncertainties and doubts about not knowing what to do and what to look for. They can easily reach craziness and lose their minds.
The ceremonies which are carried out on that day Imox aim to help persons charged or overwhelmed by negativity; as well they aim to reach healing people and thanking Mother Earth through offerings given to her.
It is an appropriate day to ask for rain; for the rivers to remain alive; for the wells and lagoons not to get dry. It is as well a perfect day to develop our internal powers.
The Direction
EAST/red is represented by the color red. This stands for the colors of the sunrise. It is the place where the day begins, so red represents the initiation of the activity. The direction of the east is where galactic light energy is expressed through emotions, passions, and activity. I use red to represent beginnings and birthing of new projects. It is the start of new experiences or journeys. The day signs that are ruled by the east are energizing, stimulating and full of movement and vigor. Depending on the day sign, energy, passion, and intensity will be expressed in the physical, mental or emotional arenas of life. The day signs of the east are Crocodile, Serpent, Offering, Reed, and Earth. Crocodile, Serpent and Offering express passions in a down to earth fashion. Reed and Earth express passions with their ideas and ideals.
The Imox is the spirit of the rain. It favors communication with water animals, dolphins, whales...
The fixed farming calendar starts on a day Imox.
It is the symbol of the occult forces in the universe, manifested in madness and insanity. It is the day when the forces of Mother Nature became dangerous; at the same time, it is a day that settles the order as the balance in the mess and chaos. Imox is the name of all occult or secret things. It represents as well the left side, the left arm which mission is to help the right arm settle efficient cooperation with the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth in the development and evolution of the world and humanity.
Imox represents the strength of our mind; it maintains the unity of all ideas.
It is the original and telluric force, the melting pot of all where life appears. As well it is the perturbation of the human creations and actions, the confusion.
This sign offers the ability to treat mental disorders/turmoil.
This day, we have to pay attention to set within ourselves a positive and centered balance, as if not, we can be led to stupidity.
Galactic Number or Trecana: 10

* Manifestation
* Come into being
* Materialization
* Expression
* Temporary, mortal
* Beauty
* Potential insight
God of Darkness---challenges
This is the number of manifestation. Ten people like to take what is raw and unrefined and bring it into the world. Those born under the number ten can create with whatever is around to make something valuable and beautiful emerge.
When a ten-person has direction and focus, they will attract what is necessary to turn their thoughts and visions into reality.
Whatever a ten creates must have a strong foundation to be successful. If ten people lose sight of their goal or try to do too many things at one time, it will dissipate their creative energy and they will not be able to manifest their dreams.
Ten people are usually very responsible, but they do tend to accrue debts. Their drive to manifest can often disregard the means that they use to birth their ideas. Tens need to be mindful that the end does not always justify the means. If they focus on their goals and are in harmony with the steps that are needed to get them there, they will manifest their visions.
Strengths: Creative, nergetic, Protective.
Aggressive, Dominating, Selfish.
Your tribal kin has a hard time following you, in spite of your phenomenal ability to intelligently communicate your thoughts to them. It has to do with a higher level of knowledge which is your set-point. Consistently, you maintain high mental standards which often forces others around you to fly up to your level to understand where you're coming from (something many people are unwilling or unable to do). To complicate matters, you have an active shadow self which throws your clansmen completely off guard. This means you can be unpredictable and thus often misunderstood (or worse, feared). Part of your life lesson is to utilize your ability to see people from all angles and have patience with those who have trouble keeping up with you in the skies you fly.
Your tribal kin has a hard time following you, in spite of your phenomenal ability to intelligently communicate your thoughts to them. It has to do with a higher level of knowledge which is your set-point. Consistently, you maintain high mental standards which often forces others around you to fly up to your level to understand where you're coming from (something many people are unwilling or unable to do). To complicate matters, you have an active shadow self which throws your clansmen completely off guard. This means you can be unpredictable and thus often misunderstood (or worse, feared). Part of your life lesson is to utilize your ability to see people from all angles and have patience with those who have trouble keeping up with you in the skies you fly.
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