Find out what is rape tobacco use for.

Nukini Rapé – Wild Mint

 This is a wonderfully aromatic relaxing Nukini Rapé.
It is an aromatic Rapé with undertones that are elegantly uplifting and opening while also grounding.
A wild mint that grows in the Amazon is added to this formula that inspires its delicate aroma and brings to the formula a wonderful feeling of stillness.

Kanamari Rapé – Wild Cacao

This Kanamari Rapé Wild Cacao is an aromatic rapé that gives a pleasant feeling of relaxation and brings sweet dreams.
It can be used as many times as desired.
This Rapé uses the shell of the wild, ancient Cacao beans planted traditionally in the Peruvian Amazonas.


Colombian Rapé – B. Caapi

Ancestral knowledge and communication with earth spirits. It opens doors of light and helps balance darkness.
This Colombian Caapi Rapé is made exclusively for us by a friend that has been working with plants and working with healers from many parts around South America.

Nukini rapé – Chacruna & Mulateiro

 This Rapé is an energizing medicine for the body, uplifts the spirit and invigorates the mind.
The base is made from the ash of the Mulateiro or Capirona tree, which is used medicinally by various tribes in South America.
The ash is then mixed with the leaves of the Chacruna plant, which grows throughout the Amazon jungle and is typically added to the Banisteriopsis caapi vine when making the traditional healing brew is known as Ayahuasca.
Most notably, Chacruna contains a high content of tryptamines, such as Dimethyltryptamine or DMT.

 Katukina rapé – Yopo

 Great for grounding and focus; strong rapé! This Katukina yopo rapé is among our strongest ones, we like it a lot. Be ready to fly down to the roots.

Yopo itself is a visionary snuff used by various tribes in South America for over 4000 years, and nowadays, it’s mostly used by the tribes in the Amazonian Jungle for spiritual and healing purposes.

The yopo is taken by being forcibly blown into the nasal cavities by another person. And after the tribe’s people have achieved a trance state, they communicate with the spirit world and relate what they are seeing with chanting and dancing.

As such yopo is a very powerful ingredient in this most potent of rapés. Treat with care and respect!


Katukina rapé – Kambo

This unique Katukina Kambo Rapé was exclusively made for us by a Katukina Healer who has been working with Rapé and medicinal plants for a very long time.

When our friend Milton went to the tribe for the second time the shaman surprised us by having made this Katukina Rapé Kambo especially for us. We are grateful and honored that we are allowed to share this sacred mix.

Kambo has been found to contain various peptides, which have been proven to strengthen the immune system. The peptide-rich venom also has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that kill viruses and pathogens in the body.


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